
Aldo Gonzalez, Gonzalez Organic Farms, Monterey County

An image of Aldo Gonzalez standing in front of a field.

Over seven years, Aldo Gonzalez has expanded his farm business from five to 44 acres, focused primarily on organic strawberries. As a farmworker many years ago, he was determined to have his own farm business. He knew he could do it, he said, “because I come from a farm family.” Aldo started out by looking for land for sale and asking if he could rent it, and with annual operating loans from FarmLink, his business has grown and diversified. Aldo enjoys everything about what he does especially, “seeing the business grow and helping people out,” he said.

Aldo grew up on a family farm producing a variety of vegetables in Oaxaca, Mexico. Today his sister serves as bookkeeper and payroll manager for his farm. He jump-started his growth with wholesale markets, and has become a valued grower for large strawberry shippers. He’s now evolving his business strategy to include more direct marketing and Gonzalez Organic Farms can now be found at farmers’ markets in Cupertino, San Juan Bautista, Oakland and Sunnyvale.

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