Annual Reports & Impact

We are always learning and growing. Our clients inform, teach, and inspire us to continually improve our work. We measure and assess our work from a variety of perspectives.


We use various measures to track our progress and impact. Our evaluation processes include client surveys, results of our one-on-one assistance, and outputs like the number of loans deployed and land tenure agreements completed, among others.

Our challenge is to refine and enhance a program model that integrates lending, education, and one-to-one advising. This approach is designed to strengthen business resilience and drive measurable improvements in business performance, including increases in net worth. This focus is especially critical when supporting communities that have faced barriers to economic growth and stability. We prioritize outcomes that contribute to long-term business success and community well-being, including:

  • Enhanced business skills and acumen,
  • Job creation and retention,
  • Secure and stable access to land,
  • Business revenue, and
  • Financial stability and family wealth.

We are intentional about tracking the outcomes of our work for the people and communities we serve. For example, during the five-year period ending in 2021, 75% of FarmLink loans were extended to underserved farmers, including low-income families and those in need of additional support to build and sustain their operations.

Key Impacts

Our annual client survey captures both impacts and opinions. Impacts for calendar year 2024 include:

Loans originated

Total amount deployed with 40 loans in 20 counties

Low-income individuals

Percentage of loans for low-income people

People of color

Percentage of loans for people of color

Counties served by all programs

Among a total of 58 California counties

Land deals assisted

Includes land links, land tenure agreements, and land loans


Acreage of land links & land tenure agreements

Loans outstanding

Also known as gross receivables as of 12/31/24

Loans serviced

Loans outstanding plus land loans held by 3rd parties as of 12/31/24

Annual Reports & Financials

One of our principles is to operate transparently when connecting people with land, education and financing. One way we do that is by sharing our financials. To learn more, see GuideStar and Charity Navigator.

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